Sunday, 22 February 2015

The IRAS officer with a knack for accounts-Mr.Kamban

Mr.Kamban is a very calm and composed person who has a huge knowledge in accounting and managaement of finance.  He is the Senior Divisional Finance Manager of Salem division,Southern Rilway. He is an IRAS.
Our club member Srivithya had the opportunity of meeting him.
A brief interview with him:

Ques: Your educational background 
Ans:Iam a B.E EIE graduate from SASTRA Tanjore.

Ques: How did you think of writing civil services?
Ans: My dad inspired me to write UPSC

Ques:When did you start preparing for UPSC?
Ans: I started in 2002 and was selected in 2003 in the prelims and main exam. I attended interview in 2004 and went on to write the IDAS exam in which i got posted as Principal Controller of Defense Accounts. From there i got transferred to Railways as IRAS.

Ques: Why did you get transfer?
Ans: I had the feeling that i was not working upto my potential. I wanted to serve the administration and the people more which was possible in Railways.

Ques:Did you get the job satisfaction that you craved for?
Ans: Yes ofcourse. Iam fully engaged now.

Ques: Your motivator
Ans: My professor in college Mr.Ganesan

Ques:What are your future plans?
Ans: I want to gain a good knowledge in accounts and become a SAG officer in the near future.

Ques: What is the role of an SAG officer?
Ans: I want to be working in a place were we can devise policies for the people rather than implementing the policies framed by other people which iam already doing now. So i want to work with policy makers and create a positive change in the society.

Ques: Message for youth
Ans: Do your best in whatever field you are rather than striving to be something else or somebody else. If everybody does their best in a given field development can be quicker and efficient.


A very charismatic enthusiastic person is Mr.Sivakumar the owner of Vetri books.
A small interview with him by our club member Manjubashini

Ques:A brief intro about you
Ans:Iam Sivakumar the owner of Vetri books.I make a turnover of approximately 10-15 crores per annum. I supply notebooks to many schools and colleges in Tamilnadu. We also publish diaries and calenders. Our quality is outstanding. We are improving more.

Ques:Were you self inspired or did anybody motivate you?
Ans:My college played a major role in developing my interest in business.At first I was doing a mining business in which i faced a lot of hardships.Later i went on to do this business as i was very good at marketing.This is our fourth year in this field. We have a factory at sivagasi.

Ques:What is the value of your field in your opinion?
Ans:Ofcourse it is a very significant field as all students have to use good notebooks in their early stages of life.We provide very good quality of notebooks and books. It can endure the pressures given by students without wearing out. We follow all the norms and quality standards in our book production. We hope to reach 200crore turn over in the following years.

Ques:What attracts customers to buy your product?
Ans:My marketing skills help me a lot in giving customers their satisfaction. My marketing skills mainly concentrate on giving customers a knowledge on the quality of my products.We have to satisfy our labourers as well as customers.

Ques:Any feedbacks about your prooducts so far
Ans: Customers are always satisfied with my products.

Ques:Any other states in which you do business
Ans:Kerala,Karnataka and Andhra pradesh are the other potential places. Iam planning to open a factory in Salem & Chennai.

Ques: Other interests
Ans: I help a lot of people by giving free notebooks to many people. I also help poor people by giving charity to trusts.

MAN OF ACTION our DEAN sir Mr.Krishna kumar

A very dynamic enthusiastic hopeful person and one who cares about all the needs of the students is our dean sir...

An interview with him:
Aarthi,Karthiga,Srivithya,Krithika with dean sir
Ques: Which is your favourite book?
Ans: 7 Effective habits of successful people by Stephen Covey 

Ques:Who is your model?
Ans: My father,high school maths teacher,Chaiman Mr.Bharathkumar

Ques:Are you satisfied with your work?
Ans: Yes. I come from the family of teachers and iam very proud to say that it passed over through genes. I don't teach anything new only whatever i have experienced.

Ques:Why did you take up teaching?
Ans:Knowledge based field without any profit and losses.
I loved the concept of being useful to the students.

Ques:Do you think you will have this satisfaction if you were in any other field?
Ans:No this is the best one for me.

A brief meet with Dr.Ramadoss PMK Leader

Our club member Mr.Kannan had the opportunity to meet Mr.Ramadoss in a public meeting at Salem


Our club member Mr.Balaji had the glorious opportunity of meeting all the upcoming young talented actors of Kollywood in the premiere show of the screening of Ennai Arindhal.
with actor vidharth 

with actor bharath

with actor aari

with actor vijay sethupathy


Our club member Priyadarshini had the opportunity to meet a very multi talented person with the ability to portray any character with ease is actor Jeeva who is known for his ability to maintain his cool in all his up's and down's.

A small conversation with the actor:

Ques: Tell us about your career so far in the industry
Ans: I have done more than 25 films so far. It has been quite a bumpy road with a lots of variations. Iam thankful to god for the opportunities that came my way.

Ques:A film close to your heart
Ans: Ko made a huge impact in my career and is very close to my heart.

Ques: Your role model....
Ans: My dad is a major role model for me.

Que: Other hobbies
Ans: Badminton player and cricket player too...

Ques:Success formula
Ans: However good a chance everything should be done on time


Our club member Mr.Sanjay had the opportunity to meet actor Arun vijay at a premier screening of Ennai Arindhal.
A short interview with the handsome actor.

Que:How did you choose becoming the bad guy?
Ans:Every actor should have the potential to portray both positive and negative characters. My character had a depth to it which i loved. 

Que:How was it acting alongside thala Ajith?
Ans:He is a down to earth person and a very talented actor. I never felt any awkwardness with him around. It was so much fun on the sets.

Que:Are you willing to do more characters like this?
Ans:I donot want to stereotype myself. I want to be neutral and give equal importance to any good character that comes my way.

Que:Your feeling about the response of public to your comeback
Ans:Iam really overwhelmed and i thank everybody who contributed to my breakthrough.